October 20 – 23, 2022

Pasadena, CA

Bestsellers and Break Ins: Five Sweet Spots Nobody is Talking About

Storytelling is nothing if not a massive integration of author decisions. There are plenty of guidelines and principles that help point us in the right direction, and even a shorter list of high-risk issues and common missteps. Yet among both of those piles of coaching points there are few that stand out as common elements in stories that quickly rise above the crowd (stories that get you published, stories that turn mid-list authors into A-list authors, stories that populate the bestseller lists). This workshop will cull out five of those common traits and essences, all of which may or may not appear within an organic story development approach, but are always available to authors who ultimately decide to manage the process rather than wait for the story to write itself. This session will break those traits down using examples from bestsellers and vetting strategies that will allow authors to sense the degree to which these elements are being applied, while opening up options on how tap into their inherent power.